Wednesday, March 21, 2012 | 1 comments | By: Atsushi Sawa

Angel Investors for the Sports Industry vol.2

As discussed on the previous blog post, Mark Cuban and Chris Sacca can be the investors for a venture company in the sports industry. Both of them have been angel investors and helped new businesses. Mark Cuban owns an NBA team, Dallas Mavericks. Chris Sacca is helping younger ages by supporting Tony Hawk Foundation.

On my master’s degree program, I have developed a business plan that is a travel agency specialized in voluntourism for Japanese young ages. Participants of tours will visit local schools in Asian countries and teach sports to local children in order to help educational developments by sports education.

Thursday, March 1, 2012 | 2 comments | By: Atsushi Sawa

Angel Investors for the Sports Industry vol.1

If you are planning to start up a new business in the sports industry, pitching angel investors is a great option to kick-start your business. Mark Cuban and Chris Sacca can be considered as great angel investors for the sports industry.

Why are they appropriate angel investors for the sports industry?

Mark Cuban
Photo from Forbes

Mark Cuban is the owner of an NBA team: Dallas Mavericks as well as the founder of, HDNet, and some other companies. Additionally, he has been an angel investor, and he had invested for Goowy,, etc.  Therefore, he is actually working in the sports industry, and he has knowledge and experiences in the sports industry.

Photo from Lowercase Capital
Chris Sacca

On the other hand, Chris Sacca does not own any sports team, but he is helping Tony Hawk Foundation to help younger ages’ development through skateboarding.  Therefore, he is not alien to the sports industry. He used to be Head of Special Initiatives at Google, Inc. And then, He established an investment firm, Lowercase Capital. Their significant investment is Twitter, Inc. Chris has consulted business plans about web and mobile technologies by himself as well as consulted other fields’ business plan through Lowercase Capital.