Toshihiro and I meet during our first year of high school where I played side by side with him for our school’s basketball team. Although I was only a team player for a short time he remained on the team only to become a rising star player leading our school’s team to numerous victories and ultimately winning us the regional championships, by the time our high school years were over he was ranked 8th place at the nationwide competition. We continue to remain good friends, as result I was able to arrange this interview.
I begin my Skype interview with Toshihiro with a simple question, “Since graduating from the University of Tsukuba, why did you choose the Panasonic Trians over any major team in the bj League?” His answer,” I had tremendous offers from teams in the bj League, in fact I wanted to play in the bj League! The pay was more than enough for me to start building my own business strategy, However I decided to play for the Panasonic Trians over at the JBL. The reason for my decision was clearly because of the way I was approached by the bj League. A team from the bj League one day came unannounced to my high school while I was taking lessons from my teacher to negotiate a possible team signing, I thought discussing sports in my class during a lesson was not a suitable place to negotiate a contract, this was unprofessional on their part and because of that I refused any offer from the bj League. The opportunity to play in the bj League is still a goal of mine, not only do I wish to become successful basketball player but I also want to be a successful business man, that is my dream. If done right I will consider exploring my options with the bj League in the near future.”

I asked my final question “Is there a mutual benefit when a player is signed to a new contract?” His answer was simple, “Making a contract with the team is the team’s own benefit, my reward? Playing basketball and getting the appropriate appreciation from my team. Players should be fair with the team to develop the basketball industry in Japan.” Today Toshihiro is trying to find a way to develop the level of basketball in Japan.
The new season of the JBL just started. This season will be Toshihiro’s third season with the Panasonic Trians. He may not be a starting lineup player, but with his increasing popularity that could very well change. I hope he can play as much as possible and bring the championship to the team just like he did in our high school days.
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