Thursday, August 25, 2011 | | By: Atsushi Sawa

TED Talk

In my course at Full Sail University, I am developing a business plan named “VolunTripper.” The product of this business plan is a package tour that includes volunteer working related with sports development in developing countries. I believe that playing sports can help children to develop their humanities and communication skills. To prove my opinion makes sense, I was looking for a speech on that talked about the importance of sports. I chose an interesting speech about educating children by Gever Tulley. The main topic of this speech was not sports, but this speech showed a relationship between the physical activity and educating children.

In this speech, Gaver talked about 5 dangerous things that people should let their children to do to develop children’s creativities; 1. Play with fire, 2. Own a pocketknife, 3. Throw a spear, 4. Deconstruct appliances, and 5. Break the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). He also mentioned that driving a car was also great way to help children’s education. Behind of his encouragement of experiencing dangerous things for children, he tried to warn that the safety regulations are too strict these days.  He mentioned that if children grow up in these regulations, they would not be able to react properly when they meet a dangerous situation because they have no idea about the situation. I agree with his concept because I learned how to assume the danger of the situation through I actually experienced some dangerous situations.

The third dangerous thing in his speech especially inspired me a lot because it was related with my topic. He explained that throwing things is the combination of analytical and physical skills. So, this physical action is connected with brain. Moreover, throwing things to the target requires the attention skill and the concentrate skill. He showed that physical activities could help the brain to be more active. This is the final goal through sports educational volunteer working in developing countries. I want to encourage children to focus on study and make good relationship with others by teaching sports. And then I want them to develop their society and country by themselves.

I cannot agree with some parts of his ideas, such as children should have pocketknives and break the law. These things might be good experiences for expanding children’s knowledge and creativity. However, I do not want to encourage doing the things that could against the law. Besides of this, this TED talk showed that playing sports is good for not only building up body but also developing brain. I want to involve this study into my business plan.


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