Wednesday, November 30, 2011 | 0 comments | By: Atsushi Sawa

Court Cases Involving Sports Volunteering

Since my business plan is providing package tours including sports volunteering in developing countries, I was looking for some court cases related with coaching sports, travel abroad, and volunteer tourism to protect my business from lawsuit. I found three articles that can help to develop my business plan.
Friday, November 11, 2011 | 0 comments | By: Atsushi Sawa

Collage Sports

In Japan, we don’t have any popular collage sports event like the NCAA basketball tournament in the United States. We have a popular high school baseball tournament because baseball was almost the only sports to watch long tome ago. These days, Japanese people watch and play more different sports, such as soccer and basketball, but there are no professional or amateur sporting event, which has nation-wide popularity besides international match of the Japanese soccer team. So, I became to dream to develop collage sports events as a business in Japan like the NCAA basketball tournament in order to enhance more people to get interested in sports, develop more young talented players, and encourage local economy.  Therefore, I was looking for the pros and cons about the NCAA basketball tournament and found some interesting articles.